Are you accepting new clients?
Yes! As of 9/2/2024, I am accepting new clients!
Is teletherapy right for me?
It could be. Online therapy has pros and cons, just like in-person therapy. In general, online therapy tends to be most helpful with people who have mild to moderate symptoms, are comfortable with technology, and who have a quiet place to do therapy.
How long will therapy take?
This really depends on a number of factors, including your symptoms, your goals, your ability to participate in treatment, whether or not I’m the best fit for you, and life’s curveballs.
Okay, so you say you work with (insert identity here), but like…really?
Valid question. It is super frustrating to have to educate your healthcare provider. At the end of the day, you get to decide whether or not I am competent enough to work with you. I would encourage you to call me for a free 15 minute consultation so you can ask whatever questions you may have.
Can you fix me?
People don’t need to be fixed. What I’ve seen in doing this work is that many people’s issues arise from:
the world not being made with their particular biology in mind (which they didn’t choose), or
they had very normal reactions to highly stressful or traumatic situations (which they also didn’t choose)
I don’t have any magical cures or fix-all answers. My job is to help you figure out what is causing you pain, identify what your goals are, and either help you be effective in getting there, or link you up with someone who can.
Will you write me a letter for gender-affiming medical services?
All GALAP letter writing services are on hold until further notice.